Kathakali: A Celebration of Celtic and Asian Storytelling
A Celebration of Asian and Celtic Storytelling is written by Kalamandalam Barbara Vijayakumar. It is the record of the latest project (June-October 2006) of the Kala Chethena Kathakali Company which describes the correspondences between traditional Celtic storytelling from Scotland and the stories of the classical dance-drama of Kerala from Southwest India. This brochure has lots of wonderful full colour illustrations and a text rich in allusion and information. Students of Kathakali will warm to the nine emotions (navarasas) as depicted by world famous dancer Kalamandalum Vijakumar. The Kathakali characters, training and chutti make-up techniques are explained together with synopses of the stories of Nala, Hima Sundari, Kiratam, Daksha Yaga and Poothana Moksham. The 24 basic mudras or hand gestures with their associated 700 "words" are splendidly drawn and named. The Celtic stories of Seoras MacPherson are then told in parallel: Three Feathers, Crippled Norman, Silver tree and Golden Tree; Hunter MacPhee. The link between the ancient Asian and Celtic cultures
is found in: the sacred stones; the Druidic and Namboodiris priesthoods; the high regard for women; rituals associated with food, flowers, elements and visual and performing arts; the oral tradition of storytelling; the high levels of quality training; the support of kings; the nomadic and travelling lifestyles adopted by the performers. A4 glossy format. 44pp. 57 full colour illustrations. 2 ps of b/w mudra illustrations.