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From its inception, the Centre has always been in involved in creative in-house productions and experimental theatre collaborations. using masks and puppets:


1981  Women of Gorbals (Mrs McGarvey's Memoirs) with Gorbals Diehards Theatre Group, Glasgow

1981  Birth of A Dragon Easterhouse Jagged Edge Theatre Group, Glasgow

1982  Cities with Department of Drama, University of Glasgow

1982  What Every Woman Wants with Possil Womens Theatre Group

1983  Mistero Buffo (Medieval Comic Mystery) Edinburgh Festival Fringe

1984  Scalliwag. Tour of Shetland Isles with Scottish Youth Theatre

1985  Black Mask:White Puppets, Peoples Palace, Glasgow Development Forum

1985  Dona Juanita The Flea, Nuremberg, Germany with GCC Twinning Department

1986  The Billy Club Puppets. Tour of Strathclyde Secondary Schools

1987  Lifting The Weight with Geese Theatre Company, Vermont, USA

1988  Alice in Wonderland. Tour of Strathclyde Primary Schools


This production was created and performed at the Rostov-On-Don State Puppet Theatre in 1991 as part of a Twin-City exchange between Rostov and Glasgow.  The gallery below shows the pre-production design drawings and photos of puppet creation and rehearsal.  The production was performed in Russian to an adult audience in a children's theatre that was sixty years old.

One Hundred Years Of Solitude, RUSSIA

by gabriel garcia marquez


adapted by Michael A. Gonzalez
 Directed & Designed by Malcolm Y. Knight


1991  Reynard The Fox with Ian Turbitt Puppet Company, Glasgow

1992  Out of The Mouth of Brahma with British Council, Edinburgh

1998  Scots Dell'Arte  local tour with Department of Drama, University of Glasgow

1998  The Ghost of Eilean Donan with students of HND Puppet Theatre Arts, Anniesland College

1999  Beauty and The Beast with students of HND Puppet Theatre Arts, Anniesland College


Don Quixote Webready 600px.jpg

This production was performed at the Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre by Malcolm Y. Kight as a solo show in 1999.  

Don Quixote: Tilting At Windmills, SCOTLAND


Adapted & Designed by Malcolm Y. Knight

This production was performed and filmed at the Zoumboulakis Galleries, Piraeus, Athens in February 1999 and curated by Katerina Koshina.  The gallery below shows the shadow puppets and photos of behind the scenes filming.  The production was performed by Greek, American and Scottish actors; including Malcolm Y. Knight and Cora Bissett of SMPC.

The Tragical History of Jackson Pollock, Abstract Expressionist, gREECE


Written, Directed & Designed by Apostolos C. Doxiadis


2000  Adventures of A Puppet Showman at SMPC

2000  Scots Dell'Arte Revisited. Kaleidoscope Festival, Aberdeen

2004  Facing The Mask: The Masks of Menander with Karpus Projects Ltd and Venezia InScena

2005  The Tale of Sibi. Fragrant Festival, The Hidden Gardens at The Tramway, Glasgow

2007  Wayang Kulit with Gamelan Naga Mas at Glasgow Concert Hall. Children's Classic Concerts

2008  Peter Pan with Santa Barbara Theatre Company, Lobero Theatre, California USA

2010  Mr Punch Comes To The Comedy Festival  with Talking Heads, SMPC Glasgow

This production was performed  The gallery below shows the shadow puppets and photos of behind the scenes filming.  The production was performed by Greek, American and Scottish actors; including Malcolm Y. Knight and Cora Bissett of SMPC.

2010  La Verdadera Historia de Edipo with Producciones Margarita Inarte SL, Madrid, Spain

le verdadera Historia de edipo, spain


Directed & Designed by ADRIANO IURISSEVICH


2011  Mr Punch at The Enchanted Castle, Stirling

2012  Puppetry Adviser to The Little Shop of Horrors, Pitlochry Festival Theatre

2013  Marionette Cabaret at SMPC, Glasgow

2014  The Oral Health Puppet Show with NHS Glasgow Department of Oral Health

2014  Castlemilk Commedia with Castlemilk Youth Theatre, Glasgow

2015  Taking It To The Streets: Commedia with Castlemilk Youth Theatre, Glasgow

2015   An Evening with Kathakali at SMPC with Kathakali, Southampton/Kerala, India

2016   Puppetry Advisor to Carousel at Pitlochry Festival Theatre

2016   Punch: That's The Way To Do It at Beverley Puppet Festival, Yorkshire

2016   Masks with Peter Meineck with University of Edinburgh at National Museum of Scotland

2017   Mask adviser to Medea (Liz Lochead adapt) Websters Theatre with North Lanarkshire College

2017   Mask consultant Venice Theatre School Giudecca with Catholic University of Milan

2018   Puppet Parade with The Toy Box (Debussy) at Byre Theatre,St Andrews, Virginia Woolf Music Society

2018   The Fox & The Stork with Qualifa Movinstage Theatre, Palestine at SMPC

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