Independent Centres
The IFCPA (International Federation of Centres for Puppetry Arts) was founded in 1990 during the Congress of Documentation Centres at the 9th International Festival of Bilbao, Spain. The IFCPA is legally based in Amsterdam with a current secretariat in Bilbao and a presidency in Glasgow at the Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre.
Its stated aims are to create an active network between international, national and regional centres for puppetry arts throughout the world in order to:
exchange information, documentation and ideas
collaborate on joint projects
act as a central reference point and co-ordination body to stimulate and improve similar centres throughout the world
improving conditions and resources
intervening at governmental, national and local level
generating funds and practical support to maintain and sustain existing organisations and also to develop new organisations
the creation of an international database of puppet centres
an international directory of puppet centres
information on developments in different countries
publishing an international Festival Agenda
Our intention is: to establish and maintain direct links and network connections between centres in the interests of promoting international friendship and practical collaboration between centres.
Members of the IFCPA
Centre de Titelles, Lleida, Spain
Centro de Documentacion, Bilbao, Spain
Museo Nacional de Titeres, Huamantla, Mexico
The Puppet Centre Trust, London
Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre, Glasgow
Teatro Tempo, Guanare, Venezuela
Warsaw Institute of Art, Poland
Arlequin Puppet Theatre Centre, Lodz, Poland
Narodne Divadelne Centrum, Bratislava, Slovakia
Center for Puppetry Arts, Atlanta, USA
Moscow State Central Academic Puppet Theatre, Russia
Europees Figurentheater Centrum, Ghent, Belgium
Institut International de la Marionette, Charleville-Mezieres, France