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- Sat, Feb 15The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreLost dogs to missing wands, there's a mystery to solve....where's the Luvvv gone! Can PC McKay find it? What’s happened to Randalph’s wand? Don’t miss Cheeky Robert and Ben in a Basket too!
- Sat, Feb 15The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreLost dogs to missing wands, there's a mystery to solve....where's the Luvvv gone! Can PC McKay find it? What’s happened to Randalph’s wand? Don’t miss Cheeky Robert and Ben in a Basket too!
- Sun, Feb 16The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA story of Sibling rivalry, trickery, magic and great Loyalty. We have 2 brothers – Osiris the King and Seth, the brother who wants to be King at any cost and so starts the story of the creation of the first Mummy....!
- Sun, Feb 16The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA story of Sibling rivalry, trickery, magic and great Loyalty. We have 2 brothers – Osiris the King and Seth, the brother who wants to be King at any cost and so starts the story of the creation of the first Mummy....!
- Tue, Feb 18The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreGary and his cheeky side kick, Chico the Monkey, are back! Get ready for lots more monkey business and banana buffoonery in a magic show to entertain and amaze all ages and have everyone laughing their socks off!
- Sun, Mar 02The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA Spanish clown dreams of working in the circus, but he doesn't speak English! Our French ringmaster has an idea and enlists the help of the audience. Hilarity and mayhem ensue as everyone learns a little Spanish and French too!
- Sat, Mar 15The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreHow does Jack solve a GIANT problem and demonstrate that sometimes it is a good idea to have your head in the clouds…..really! A fun puppet show delighting both children and adults alike. In Partnership with GICF.
- Sat, Mar 15The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreHow does Jack solve a GIANT problem and demonstrate that sometimes it is a good idea to have your head in the clouds…..really! A fun puppet show delighting both children and adults alike. In partnership with GICF.
- Sun, Mar 16The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreHow does Jack solve a GIANT problem and demonstrate that sometimes it is a good idea to have your head in the clouds…..really! A fun puppet show delighting both children and adults alike. In Partnership with GICF.
- Sun, Mar 16The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreThe best punch and Judy show in town with a gentle introduction to a little of the history; including an old-fashioned mechanical organ, a dissecting marionette skeleton and Toby the Dog. Not to forget children's plate spinning and all the fun of the fair! In Partnership with GICF.
- Sat, Mar 29The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA wonderfully wiggly adventure. An organic tale, with colourful puppets, beautifully crafted set and foot tapping music. One day Snug and Grub pop out from under a rock to see some googly eyes, peering through the grass! In Partnership with Glasgow International Comedy Festival.
- Sat, Mar 29The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA wonderfully wiggly adventure. An organic tale, with colourful puppets, beautifully crafted set and foot tapping music. One day Snug and Grub pop out from under a rock to see some googly eyes, peering through the grass! In Partnership with Glasgow International Comedy Festival.
- Sun, Mar 30The Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre'Let me in little piggie it's blowing a gale....Not by the hairs on my little pink tail'. A funny, warm hearted and interactive rustic tale to make you squeal with laughter. Bristling with puppets, live music and lots of joining in, Garlic Theatre entertain the whole family.
- Sun, Mar 30The Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre'Let me in little piggie it's blowing a gale....Not by the hairs on my little pink tail'. A funny, warm hearted and interactive rustic tale to make you squeal with laughter. Bristling with puppets, live music and lots of joining in, Garlic Theatre entertain the whole family. In partnership - GICF
- Sat, Jun 07The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA very vain Emperor orders two swindlers to make him a set of clothes, the like of which has never been seen before, or since! Inspiring puppeteering, object theatre and original live music bring this tale delightfully to life; don’t miss it.
- Sat, Jun 07The Scottish Mask & Puppet CentreA vain Emperor orders two swindlers to make him a set of clothes, the like of which has never been seen before, or since! Inspiring puppeteering, object theatre and original live music bring this tale delightfully to life; don’t miss it.
- Sun, Jun 08The Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre‘Oh Grandma, what big eyes you have!’ A curious young girl weaves her way through the woods to her Grandma’s house. A journey full of surprises... A playful and imaginative re-telling of a timeless story with accompanying live music.
- Sun, Jun 08The Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre‘Oh Grandma, what big eyes you have!’ A curious young girl weaves her way through the woods to her Grandma’s house. A journey full of surprises... A playful and imaginative re-telling of a timeless story with accompanying live music.
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